Research team : Equipe Technologies et Communication Name : Acronym : Additional address : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Research team manager : Number of members : Description :Technologies are seen in a broad sense (tools, instruments, environments, processes), both as possibilities of action they offer to the user or to the social community and in what they impose in terms of rules or constraints of reorganization in order to benefit from their implementation. The devices that are studied are mostly related to ODL, in the sense of emergence of new communication spaces. Beside them, our interest focuses on other areas of communication resulting from intentional efforts of dissemination of science, on the emergence of societal debates as a consequence of vulgarisation of scientific knowledge. Keywords : E-education positioning : Name of the laboratory : Main publications :(OS - chap.) MARQUET, P. (2010). Apprendre, construire ses propres instruments. in B. CHARLIER, F. HENRI (Éds). Apprendre avec les technologies, Paris, PUF, 120-129. (OS - chap.) MARQUET, P., COULIBALY, B. (in press). The concept of instrumental conflict: an application of the theory of activity to computer-supported teaching-learning situations, in A. MÉNDEZ-VILA (Éd.) Education in a technological world: communicating current and emerging research and technological efforts, Formatex, Badajoz. (DO) CHAVOT, P., MASSERAN, A. (Éds.) (2010). Les cultures des sciences en Europe, Questions de communication, n° 17. (DO) MOHIB, N. (Éd.) (2010). TIC et développement des compétences : quelles réciprocités ? Questions Vives, volume 7, numéro 14, Aix en Provence, Editions En Question, 184 p. (ACL) BEN ABID-ZARROUK, S., AUDRAN, J. (2008). L’enseignement en ligne est-il efficace ? Le cas Pegasus. Revue française de Pédagogie, 164, 99-110. (ACL) COULIBALY, B. (2009). Analyse ethnographique du processus de socialisation dans un forum informel. Éducation – Formation – e- 290, mars 2009 pp.55-66. Scientific field : Affiliation : - Université de StrasbourgTeaching level(s) : - higher educationTopics : - Learning : distance learningProjet(s) : -Language Technologies for Life-Long Learning