Association : Francogrid Association Name : Acronym : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Association president : Members of board : Number of suscribers : Description :Supporting and hosting french speaking projects applying the opensource technology of Opensimulator (persistant and immersive virtual worlds generator), for partner organisations or individuals about culture and education projects. At the moment, supporting logistically and pooling as complementary projects the incubator Métalectures (Lorenzo Soccavo : researcher on Strategic watch about book) and Internet 3 Solutions company (Jenny Bihouise : use developpement for e-training), among other synergisms yet développed inside the virtual world as new artistic expressions or different knowledge branches learning. Keywords : E-education positioning : Teaching level(s) : - all levelsTopics : - Learning : collaborative learning - Learning : distance learning - Learning : game based learning - Learning : supporting and tutoring - Technologies and ressources : virtual reality and simulation