Research-support team : Télésciences 6 Name : Acronym : Additional address : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Research-support team manager : Number of members : Description :Télésciences 6 is an open and distance teaching department which enrolls a thousand students in technologies and sciences. The learning offer includes the licence from L1 to L3 in natural sciences, physics and mathematics and goes up tol the master level in mathematics. 150 teachers are working for the department, which is a part of the TICE (ICT for learning) in the UPMC. The management team is 7 people, They are regularly publishing in national or international journals and colloquium proceedings. Their research themes are the new tutorial modes and the new pedagogical practices for distance teaching. Keywords : E-education positioning : Main publications :Brigitte de la Passardière, Pierre Jarraud. LOM et l'indexation de ressources scientifiques. Vers de bonnes pratiques pour l'Université en Ligne. Conférence EIAH'2005, Montpellier, 25-27 mai 2005. ISBN 2-7342-0999-3, Editions INRP, 2005, pp57-68 Pierre Jarraud, Jacqueline Palmari. Numérique et enseignement à distance in Didier Paquelin Université à l'ère du numérique (L'). Presses universitaires de Bordeaux. 2010. ISBN978-2-86781-609-3 Rauzy, A., Jarraud, P. & Pruvost, A. Interactive Video for the Correction of Old Exam Papers in Distance Learning and its Transition to Campus. In S. Barton et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011 (pp. 2131-2139). AACE. Luc Trouche, Claire Cazes, Pierre Jarraud, Antoine Rauzy, Christian Mercat. Penser les dispositfs d’appui. Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, 2011, vol. 8 (1 et 2), pp.37-47 éditeurs G. Gueudet, G. Lameul et L.Trouche. Affiliation : - Université Paris-VITeaching level(s) : - higher educationTopics : - Learning : distance learning - Learning : supporting and tutoring - Teaching : pedagogy - Teaching : teacher training