Project : Serious Games et Réalité Mixte Name : Acronym : Description :SEGAREM is a research project which aims to provide methods, models and tools for the design of interactive Serious Games using augmented reality techniques. This project aims to develop tools to favor the use of mixed reality in Learning Games. For this, the partners intend to develop a prototype environment for the design, the development and the execution of Mixed Serious Games. Reflections and tools defined in the SEGAREM project will provide a better understanding of the contributions of mixed reality to Serious Games (good practices). Keywords : Website : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - all levelsFinancing : - FUITopics : - Learning : game based learning - Learning : collaborative learning - Learning : blended learningDetails about partnerships :Symetrix (Grenoble) Total Immersion (Paris)Partnership with organisations : - SYMETRIX - SILEX - Supporting Interaction and Learning by Experience