Research team : SILEX - Supporting Interaction and Learning by Experience Name : Acronym : Additional address : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Research team manager : Number of members : Description :Our work on TELS (Technology Enhanced Learning Systems) is about the co-design of situated TELS. By situated TELS we mean TELS that are adaptable to both the context and the specificities of the learner. The co-design is achieved by the different actors involved with the TELS: authors, tutors, learners (in an individual or collective context), but also the TELS itself. We consider that the design of TEL adapted to their users is enhanced by the interaction of these actors and continues with assessments and uses, in a continuous improvement process. This co-design can take the form of authors environments, tools for monitoring the activity, or work on reflexivity based on the activity traces of various actors. A part of our work is related to the customization cycle of TELS. For this purpose, we use the activity traces of learners. These traces are modeled and interpreted in order to develop learner profiles. These profiles allow to implement mechanisms to customize different aspects of a TELS: scenarios, activities, features, feedback, interface, context of use. Our research interests take place among others in the context of e-learning, serious games and mobile learning. Keywords : E-education positioning : AERES : Name of the laboratory : Main publications :Managing written and oral negative feedback in a synchronous online teaching situation. N. Guichon, M. Bétrancourt, Y. Prié. Computer-Assisted Language Learning 25(2):181-197. 2012. Development of an Assistance Environment for Tutors Based on a Co-Adaptive Design Approach. E. Lavoué, S. George, P. Prévot. Behaviour & Information Technology 31(2):127-141, Taylor & Francis. 2012. Observation of Collaborative Activities in a Game-Based Learning Platform. J.C. Marty, T. Carron. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 4(1):98-110. 2011. How to combine objectives and methods of evaluation in iterative ILE design: lessons learned from designing AMBRE-add. S Nogry, S. Jean-Daubias, N. Guin. Interactive Learning Environments (), Taylor & Francis. 2011. TrAVis to Enhance Online Tutoring and Learning Activities: Real Time Visualization of Students Tracking Data. M. May, S. George, P. Prévot. International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education 8(1):52-69, Emerald, ISSN 1741-5659. 2011. URL publication : Scientific field : Affiliation : - Université Lyon-I - Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon - Ecole centrale de Lyon - Université Lyon-II - Université Lyon-III - Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS )Teaching level(s) : - all levelsTopics : - Cognitive engineering and modelling : educational data mining - trail - Cognitive engineering and modelling : learner modeling - Cognitive engineering and modelling : metacognition - Cognitive engineering and modelling : tutoring model - Learning : collaborative learning - Learning : distance learning - Learning : game based learning - Learning : mobile learning - Learning : networked learning - Learning : personalization - Learning : uses analysis - Teaching : assesment / evaluation - Teaching : communities of practice - Technologies and ressources : ontologies - reasoning - agent - Technologies and ressources : learning environments - Technologies and ressources : learning management system - Technologies and ressources : virtual reality and simulation - Technologies and ressources : web 2.0 applications and social mediaProject(s) : - Community Learning through Adaptive and Interactive multichannel Resources for Education - Serious Games et Réalité Mixte - Cinecast