Research team : Web Instrumented Man-Machine Interactions, Communities and Semantics Name : Acronym : Additional address : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Research team manager : Number of members : Description :The web grew to become a huge network of distributed data, applications and users where many flows of heterogeneous messages travel. It has become an object of science: it is a very complex system that requires a multidisciplinary scientific approach. Relying on semantic web formalisms, Wimmics contributes to understand how these data and interactions can be processed, supported, controlled, exploited or improved, in two manners: - by proposing a multidisciplinary approach to analyze and model the many aspects of these intertwined information systems, communities of users and their interactions; - by formalizing and reasoning on these models to propose new analysis tools and indicators, and support new functionalities and better management. Keywords : E-education positioning : Name of the laboratory : URL publication : Scientific field : Affiliation : - Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS ) - Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA) - Université de NiceTeaching level(s) : - higher education - adult educationTopics : - Cognitive engineering and modelling : learner modeling - Learning : blended learning - Learning : collaborative learning - Learning : game based learning - Learning : personalization - Teaching : communities of practice - Technologies and ressources : ontologies - reasoning - agent - Technologies and ressources : web 2.0 applications and social media