Research team : Ingénierie des Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain Name : Acronym : Additional address : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Research team manager : Number of members : E-education positioning : AERES : Name of the laboratory : URL publication : Scientific field : Affiliation : - Université Le MansTeaching level(s) : - secondary education - higher education - adult educationTopics : - Cognitive engineering and modelling : educational data mining - trail - Cognitive engineering and modelling : learner modeling - Cognitive engineering and modelling : tutoring model - Learning : distance learning - Learning : personalization - Learning : supporting and tutoring - Politics - management - economy : standards and interoperability - Teaching : communities of practice - Teaching : pedagogical scenario - Teaching : teacher training - Technologies and ressources : learning environments - Technologies and ressources : learning management system