Research team : Semantic Composition and Retrieval of Information, Picture and Services Name : Acronym : Additional address : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Research team manager : Number of members : Description :The team is interested in new ecologies of “Human Computer Interaction”. They are based on innovation in services involving "rich media" and ubiquitous & mobile computing, the Semantic Web and Social Web. This research implements the convergence of mobile computing, ubiquitous computing, the semantic web and the social web. It means that relevant learning and/or working activities and their coordination are proposed according to on the current situation and / or past situations (context awareness). The team is particularly interested in the areas of e-Culture and e-Learning, for formal and informal learning. The learning activities are based on inquiry approaches, promoting collaborative activities. From the computer science perspective, the problems of knowledge acquisition and representation, interoperability at semantic level, context awareness and adaptation are the core of research activities. These problems associated with areas of e-Culture and e-Learning are all the originality of the team. The team participated in the following projects: ANR P-LearNet (Pervasive Learning Network) associated with the cluster of Industries Commerce, the ANR Semim@ge the Pôle Image and networks, digital museum project (cf., virtual museum of the Annunciation). Keywords : E-education positioning : Main publications :Journaux C. Pham-Nguyen, S. Garlatti, S. Lau, B. Barbry, and T. Vantroys, “An Adaptive and Context-Aware Scenario Model Based on a Web Service Architecture for Pervasive Learning Systems,” International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 41–69, 2009. C. Pham-Nguyen, S. Garlatti, S. Lau, B. Barbry, and T. Vantroys, “Pervasive Learning System Based on a Scenario Model Integrating Web Service Retrieval and Orchestration,” International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 25–32, 2009. J. L. Tetchueng, S. Garlatti, and S. Laubé, “MAT, un outil d‘aide et d’accompagnement des enseignants dans la conception de scénario pour un EIAH,” Ingénierie des systèmes d'information, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 31–52, Mai 2009. S. Laubé, S. Garlatti, and J. L. Tetchueng, “A scenario model based on anthropology of didactics for Enquiry-Based Science Teaching,” International journal of advanced media and communication, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 191–208, Apr. 2008. Tetchueng, J.-L., S. Garlatti, et al. (2008). "A Context-Aware Learning System based on generic scenarios and the theory in didactic anthropology of knowledge." International Journal of Computer Science & Applications, Special Issue on New Trends on AI Techniques for Educational Technologies 5(Special Issue on New Trends on AI Techniques for Educational Technologies): 71-87. Rebai I., De La Passardière B., Labat J-M. « To store and retrieve software components for Interactive Learning Environments: the ECR repository », Revue IJAMC (International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication), Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 73-95, Editor Inderscience Publishers, 2008 Chapitres de Livre Bouzeghoub, G. Serge, N. D. Kien, and P. N. Cuong, “Situation-based and activity-based learning strategies for pervasive learning systems at workplace,” in Models for interdisciplinary mobile learning: delivering information to students, Hershey PA 17033-1240, USA: IGI Global, 2011, pp. 87–102. C. Pham-Nguyen, G. Serge, S. L. B. Y, B. Benjamin, and V. Thomas, “Adaptive and activity-oriented pervasive learning systems at workplace based on service oriented architecture,” in Combining E-Learning and M-Learning: New Applications of Blended Educational Resources, Information Science Reference (IGI Global), 2011, pp. 69–91. Bouzeghoub, A., S. Garlatti, et al. (2010). Situation-based and Activity-based Learning Strategies for Pervasive Learning Systems at Workplace. Models for Interdisciplinary Mobile Learning: Delivering Information to Students. A. Kitchenham. Hershey PA 17033-1240, USA, IGI Global. Conférence Internationale Y. Bellik, I. Rebaï, E. Machrouh, Y. Barzaj, C. Jacquet, G. Pruvost and J.P. Sansonnet, « Multimodal Interaction within Ambient Environments: an Exploratory Study », in Proc. of INTERACT 2009, 12th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Uppsala, Sweden, August 24-28, 2009. Bousbia N., Labat J.-M., Rebai I., Balla A. « Indicators for Deducting the Learners’ Learning Styles: Case of the Navigation Typology Indicator », The 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT 2009, pp. 385-389, Riga – Latvia, July 14-18 2009. Bousbia N., Balla A, Rebai I. « Measuring the Learners’ Learning Style based on Tracks Analysis in Web based Learning », In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC 2009), pp. 98-103, Sousse – Tunisia, July 5-8 2009. Rebai I., De La Passardière B., Labat J-M. « A Formalism to Describe Open Standards in order to Generate Application Profiles », In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2008 Taipei – Taiwan, October 2008. C. Pham-Nguyen and S. Garlatti, “Context-Aware Scenarios for Pervasive Long-Life Learning,” in IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology. WI-AT'08, Sydney, Australia, 2008, vol. 1, pp. 824–827. A. Bouzeghoub, S. Garlatti, K. N. Do, and C. P. Nguyen, “A Mixed Learning Strategy for Pervasive Learning Systems at Workplace,” in Mlearn 2010, Malta, 2010. C. Pham-Nguyen, B.-Y.-S. Lau, B. Barbry, T. Vantroys, and S. Garlatti, “Pervasive Learning System Based on a Scenario Model Integrating Web Service Retrieval and Orchestration,” in mLearn 2008, the international conference on mobile learning, University of Wolverhampton, School of Computing and IT, UK, 2008, pp. 240–247. URL publication : Scientific field : Affiliation : - Ecole nationale supérieure des télécommunications de BretagneTeaching level(s) : - higher educationTopics : - Cognitive engineering and modelling : digital literacies - Cognitive engineering and modelling : learner modeling - Learning : collaborative learning - Learning : inquiry learning - Learning : mobile learning - Learning : personalization - Teaching : experimentation and innovation - Teaching : pedagogical scenario - Technologies and ressources : ontologies - reasoning - agent - Technologies and ressources : learning environments - Technologies and ressources : web 2.0 applications and social mediaProjet(s) : -MOdelling Didactic-based Active Learning Environment in Sciences -réseau d'excellence Européen Kaleidoscope -Pervasive Learning Network