Research team : Médiation Information Communication Art - EA 4426 Name : Acronym : Additional address : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Research team manager : Number of members : Description :MICA is a laboratory research in Information, Communication and Arts at the University of Bordeaux. It is labeled as a (EA 4426) doctoral training center in communication sciences and arts of the Doctoral School-MONTAIGNE HUMANITIES. It has about 180 people: 80 teachers and researchers from seven different universities and a hundred doctoral students. With a score of 20 faculty members qualified to direct research, he is among the most notable laboratories of this field of study in France with the distinction of integrating researchers from the arts sector with an interest in new practices of artistic mediations related to new communication tools. The laboratory develops a collective reflection on " The new forms of mediations in the digital age and globalization" E-education positioning : AERES : Name of the laboratory : Main publications :Paquelin, D. (2011), « La distance : questions de proximités » Revue Distances et Savoirs Vol. 9 9/2011, pp. 565-590. Paquelin, D., Rouissi, S., (2011), « Coopération numérique franco-québécoise : analyse d’une dynamique partenariale de co-émergence d’un cadre contenant de l’échange », in Le numérique au cœur des partenariats (sld Vieira, Lishou, Akam), Presses Universitaires de Dakar, pp. 203-212. Paquelin, D., (sld), (2010), L’université à l’ère du numérique, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux. Paquelin, D., (2009), L’appropriation des dispositifs numériques de formation, du prescrit aux usages L’Harmattan, 296 p. Paquelin, D., Choplin, H., et al. (2006), « Campus numérique et innovation pédagogique : l’hypothèse de la territorialisation » in Distances et Savoirs, Vol 4, 4/2006. - 469-496 URL publication : Scientific field : Affiliation : - Université Bordeaux-IIITeaching level(s) : - secondary education - higher education - adult educationTopics : - Cognitive engineering and modelling : digital literacies - Cognitive engineering and modelling : educational data mining - trail - Cognitive engineering and modelling : learning theories and methods - Cognitive engineering and modelling : metacognition - Cognitive engineering and modelling : tutoring model - Learning : blended learning - Learning : collaborative learning - Learning : distance learning - Learning : mobile learning - Learning : networked learning - Learning : supporting and tutoring - Learning : uses analysis - Politics - management - economy : digital publishing - Politics - management - economy : inequalities and digital - Politics - management - economy : partnership - Teaching : communities of practice - Teaching : experimentation and innovation - Teaching : pedagogical scenario - Teaching : pedagogy - Technologies and ressources : learning environments - Technologies and ressources : learning management system - Technologies and ressources : web 2.0 applications and social mediaProject(s) : - RAUDIN