Research-support team : Veille et Analyses Name : Acronym : Additional address : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Research-support team manager : Number of members : Description :The "Veille et analyses" unit (V&A) is a sort of « intelligence service » dedicated to educational research. It belongs to the Institut français de l’éducation (IFÉ), an institute formerly independant which was integrated to École normale supérieure de Lyon (ENSL) in march 2011. Since then, the mandate of the unit remains more or less the same. It is meant to be an observatory of research aiming to make the academic production more visible to researchers, policy-makers and practitioners, to detect the hot topics of research and to release synthesis and analysis of the research findings. Actually the V&A’s activities mainly consist of : - a monitoring activity : to monitor research production through its publications (books, journals, reports, PhD theses) and its conferences, and to select and keep an online record of the most valuable resources newly available - a mapping activity : to map out the key research networks and the core publications on a particular topic, and identify the main experts on the same topic, relying on a growing expertise in the evaluation of educational research - a reviewing activity : to analyze the research production in order to highlight commonalities and discrepancies between European systems of education and training; to gather evidence of good practices. V&A has become a major player both like a distributor and a broker of academic knowledge in France. Its literature reviews, published on a monthly basis since October 2005 and available online, are one of the initiatives providing policy-makers and educational stakeholders with academic knowledge not internally produced. E-education is amongst the topics frequently addressed by its members. Keywords : E-education positioning : Name of the laboratory : Main publications :Endrizzi, Laure (2012). Jeunesses 2.0 : les pratiques relationnelles au cœur des médias sociaux. Dossier d’actualité Veille et Analyses, n°71. Lyon : IFÉ. Endrizzi, Laure (2011). Les apprentissages nomades en Europe : éléments pour une cartographie de la recherche. In Poyet Françoise & Develotte Christine. L’éducation à l’heure du numérique. Lyon : INRP / ENSL. Musset Marie et Thibert Rémi (2009). Quelles relations entre jeu et apprentissages à l'école ?. Dossier d’actualité Veille et Analyses, n°48. Lyon : INRP. Thibert Rémi (2009). Quelles pratiques collaboratives à l'heure des TIC ?. Dossier d’actualité Veille et Analyses, n°43. Lyon : INRP. Endrizzi, Laure (2008). Wikipédia : un nouveau modèle éditorial ?. In Schöpfel J. (dir), La publication scientifique : analyses et perspectives, coll. Traité « STI – Sciences et Techniques de l’Information ». Paris : Hermès. Endrizzi Laure (2006). Éducation à l’information. Dossier d’actualité Veille et Analyses, n°17. Lyon : INRP. Endrizzi Laure (2006). L’édition de référence libre et collaborative : le cas de Wikipédia. Dossier de synthèse Veille et Analyses. Lyon : INRP. URL publication : Affiliation : - Ecole normale supérieure de LyonTeaching level(s) : - all levelsTopics : - Cognitive engineering and modelling : digital literacies - Learning : collaborative learning - Learning : game based learning - Learning : mobile learning - Learning : personalization - Learning : supporting and tutoring - Politics - management - economy : architecture and ICT equipment - Politics - management - economy : curriculum and programs - Politics - management - economy : digital publishing - Politics - management - economy : inequalities and digital - Politics - management - economy : public policies - Teaching : assesment / evaluation - Teaching : communities of practice - Teaching : media literacy - Teaching : pedagogy - Teaching : teacher training - Technologies and ressources : educational resources - Technologies and ressources : learning environments - Technologies and ressources : web 2.0 applications and social media