Research-support team : University of Reunion Island Living Lab in Teaching and Learning Name : Acronym : Additional address : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Research-support team manager : Number of members : Description :University of Reunion Island, the only European university of the South hemisphere, located between Madagascar and Mauritius in the South West of Indian Ocean, wants to open up to the outside world. The University of Reunion Island Living Lab wishes to foster open and sustainable territorial innovation with people: researchers, teachers, students and entrepreneurs. For this small and smart city of the universe, the Living Lab activities in Teaching and Learning are depicted in both domains of nature diversity (insular tropical environment) and culture (creative industries). Our aim is to introduce serious games as tools for Teaching and Learning in a physical and virtual Living Lab, in order that they become instruments for sharing, enhancing and disseminating our heritage know-how. Keywords : E-education positioning : Name of the laboratory : URL publication : Affiliation : - Université de La RéunionTeaching level(s) : - higher educationTopics : - Cognitive engineering and modelling : learning theories and methods - Learning : game based learning - Learning : uses analysis - Technologies and ressources : ontologies - reasoning - agent - Technologies and ressources : virtual reality and simulation