Research-support team : Méthode d'Encadrement des Projets tutorés dans l'enseignement supérieur Name : Acronym : Additional address : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Research-support team manager : Description :Mepulco-University is a method of framing tutored projects for higher education. The Mepulco group's goal is to develop this method and its use in higher education french and foreign. The Mepulco method was created at the University of Littoral Of Coast of Opale. Keywords : E-education positioning : Main publications :* Warin, B., Hoogstoël, F., La méthode Mepulco-Universite, 76 pages en 4 parties. Publication interne IUT Calais-Boulogne de Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Calais / École d'ingénieurs Polytech Lille - Université de Lille 1, France, 2010. Disponible sur simple demande à * Drira, R., Warin, B., Laroussi, M, 2011, Contextualization of reusable learning systems: Theorical and pratical analysis, approach and case study, International Journal of Learning Technology (2011), 6(4),pp 362-383. * Drira R., Laroussi M., Le Pallec X., Warin B., 2011, Contextualizing learning scenarios according to different Learning Management Systems, in press IEEE Transactions On Learning Technologies, 2012 Forthcoming march 2012. * Warin, B., Kolski, C., Sagar, M., 2011, “Framework for the evolution of acquiring knowledge modules to integrate the acquisition of high-level cognitive skills and professional competencies: Principles and case studies”, Computers & Education 57 (2011), pp. 1595-1614. * Talon, B., Toffolon, C., Warin, B., 2005, "Projet en milieu universitaire : vers une gestion collaborative assistée par le Web", Revue Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire, vol. 2, n° 2, pp. 28-33, 2005, ISSN 1708-7570. Affiliation : - Ecole polytechnique universitaire de l'université Lille-I - Institut universitaire de technologie de Calais - Boulogne - Institut universitaire de technologie de LavalTeaching level(s) : - higher educationTopics : - Cognitive engineering and modelling : learning theories and methods - Learning : collaborative learning - Learning : game based learning - Teaching : pedagogical scenario - Teaching : teacher training - Technologies and ressources : learning management system