Project : Projet CPM : un profil UML pour la scénarisation pédagogique de situations problèmes coopératives Name : Acronym : Description :CPM (Computer Problem-based Metamodel) is a visual language for the instructional design of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) situations. On the one hand, CPM sketches of a PBL situation can improve communication within multidisciplinary ID teams; on the other hand, CPM blueprints can describe the functional components that a Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) system should offer to support such a PBL situation. Keywords : Website : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - all levelsFinancing : - autreTopics : - Teaching : pedagogical scenario - Cognitive engineering and modelling : tutoring modelPartnership with organisations : - Equipe T2I du LIUPPA