Project : TEL thesaurus and dictionary project Name : Acronym : Description :Stellar, the FP7 network of excellence in TEL research, has engaged in the creation of a Thesaurus and a dictionary of TEL key terms and expressions. This initiative intends to construct a common intellectual platform to support the conceptual and theoretical integration of TEL research. The idea is not to fix the meanings or to have just one way of seeing our field, but to identify commonalities when possible and differences when needed. This is based on the analysis of the keywords in use in our domain, in conferences and journals, and in the TeLearn Open Archive ( This initiative will acknowledge the multidisciplinary nature of our field of research, and also address multilingual and multicultural issues. A very pragmatic approach to handle this complexity is to analyse and structure the set of the keywords and expressions being used, the way they are understood within the different communities, the variety of their meaning and their translations across language. Keywords : Website : Date at the beginning : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - all levelsFinancing : - projet FP7Topics : - Technologies and ressources : learning environmentsDetails about partnerships :En plus des équipes citées, L'association européenne TELEARC et EATEL, ainsi que les associations internationales ISLS (International Society for the Learning Science) et AIED (Artificial Intelligence in Education) sont partenaires de l'initiative.Partnership with organisations : - LORIA - AIDA - Modèles et Technologies pour l'Apprentissage Humain