Project : Pyrénées Itinéraires Éducatifs : Une application collaborative au service des classes de découverte Name : Acronym : Description :This project aims at developing an infrastructure to help educative centers proposing pre and post activities to pupils when visiting a region/territory. The results of the project enabled us to extend the GEOCIME platform with tools and functionality to produce and edit educational portforlois making use of geographic information. The platform has been used by several teachers and pupils while preparing their stay in the educational center, and discovering the local territory. Keywords : Website : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - primary educationFinancing : - collectivitéTopics : - Technologies and ressources : learning management system - Technologies and ressources : educational resources - Technologies and ressources : web 2.0 applications and social mediaDetails about partnerships :Le partenariat incluait également La Ligue de l'Enseignement 64 et l'Association Montagnes Insolites.Partnership with organisations : - GEOCIME - Equipe T2I du LIUPPA