Project : LATIn – Latin American open Textbook Initiative Name : Acronym : Description :The specific objective of the project will be the creation and dissemination of a Collaborative Open Textbook Initiative for Higher Education tailored specifically for Latin America. This initiative will encourage professors and academic authors from different HEIs in Latin America to collaborate with colleagues from other HEIs in the region to create chapters and textbooks tailored for their specific course needs that will be freely available for students to read, print and share, and to other colleagues to adapt, translate, distribute and remix. The project will address the pedagogical, technological and political issues needed for such an initiative to work successfully in Latin American countries. Keywords : Website : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - higher educationFinancing : - autre financement européenTopics : - Learning : collaborative learning - Politics - management - economy : digital publishingDetails about partnerships :Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Mexico Universidad de Guadalajara - México Universidad Católica de San Pablo, Peru Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil Universidad de la República, Uruguay Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Université Paul Sabatier,IRIT , France Universidad Alcalá de Henares, Spain Partnership with organisations : - SIERA - Administration de réseaux et Intégration de Services