Project : Projet PépiMep Name : Acronym : Description :The multidisciplinary PépiMep project supported by the region Ile-de-France within the framework of a project PICRI (agreement N 09 003412) is situated in the field of research of the EIAH. It gathers teachers-researchers and PhD students of the LDAR (Paris Diderot-Paris 7 university), of the LIP6 (UPMC-Sorbonne Universities) and members of the sésamath association. The first objective of the project is to adapt a diagnosis tool stemming from the research (Delozanne and al. 2011) to use it on the platform LaboMep of the association Sésamath. The second objective is to develop a model of differentiated teaching routes based on a model of the algebraic skill. Two stages organize the modelling of differentiated teaching routes. The first one aims at defining a theoretical model which characterizes, according to the cognitive profiles of the pupils, the types of tasks to be worked first and foremost brought to light by the theoretical analysis. The second stage consists in using this model according to the institutional context of education then the projects of the teachers. The third objective is to study the uses of differentiated routes by the teachers then to estimate them from the point of view of their possible ecology in the current secondary education. Keywords : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - secondary educationFinancing : - financement régionalTopics : - Learning : personalization - Teaching : didactic - Technologies and ressources : educational resources - Cognitive engineering and modelling : learner modelingPartnership with organisations : - Sesamath