Project : Pervasive Learning Network Name : Acronym : Description :The P-Learnet project is an exploratory work on adaptive services and usages for human learning in the context of pervasive communication. One aim is concerned by providing learning to professionals during their work activities. This project claims to think about concepts and methodologies to facilitate such kind of learning. In such a framework, the main issues of the P-Learnet project are: work-integrated learning and customer learning support, continuous professional learning at the workplace, professional learning whatever the place, the time, the organisational and technological contexts of the individual or collective learning and working processes, context-as-construct and seamless learning. Learning focuses mainly on how to support individual and group learning processes through pedagogical guidance and how to enhance the learner’s knowledge and know-how. In this project, one of our corporate partners is an international retail companies having chains of shops and hypermarkets wondering about seller learning at the workplace. Corporate partners identify the problems and requirements about quality and efficiency of information and services to increase market share and the corresponding learning goals. Several innovative scenarios have been set up according to two main learning and/or working situations for a seller and a customer as learners: i) Seller or customer, outside the shop counters: seller in the back office or storage areas, customer at home or elsewhere; ii) Seller in his department, alone or with a customer having resources from the Smart Spaces (large LCD screen, printers, RFID, etc.) surrounding them (Derycke, Chevrin et al. 2007). In e-retail framework, context is continuously produced during selling process: a seller can communicate with customers while revising his knowledge, checking the inventory or contacting the provider about products, etc. In the P-Learnet Project, we proposed two complementary learning strategies: i) situation-based learning and activity-based learning to fulfill seamless learning across contexts and worked-based learning requirements. In situation-based learning, relevant activities and/or resources are recommended to the user; ii) In activity-based learning, the user has to search and to select his/her activities and the corresponding resources. These strategies correspond to two different information dissemination approaches that can be distinguished, namely push and pull (Cheverst, K 2001). We proposed a pervasive learning environment where learners may follow different learning strategies. They may switch from one strategy to the other according to their needs and/or the context change. Keywords : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Financing : - projet ANRTopics : - Learning : mobile learning - Learning : blended learning - Technologies and ressources : ontologies - reasoning - agent - Technologies and ressources : learning environments - Learning : personalizationPartnership with organisations : - Semantic Composition and Retrieval of Information, Picture and Services - équipe Trigone: Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Education de Lille