Project : Faire de la distance un atout : formations qualitatives du formatif distanciel Name : Acronym : Description :The presuppositions linked to the launching of Distance Education/Online Learning programs implies questioning the representations and challenges of what defines “distance”/”what makes distance reality”. Beyond the technical definition of “distance learning”, how does the diversity of its actors’ representations, practices and expectations question what is apprehended, conceptualized, experienced as “distance” and making sense of “distance” ? This research intervention articulates diversified perspectives (Didactics, Sociolinguistics, and Epistemology) based on several Distance Education/Online Learning experiences; all of which concern French as a Foreign Language Didactics. For example, at the University of Tours with the current development of a Master’s degree in the SODILANG department, in Le Mans, in Cape Town and in the Indian Ocean. These perspectives are organized around three complementary research perspectives axes: 1. Which types of contextualization in Distance Education/Online Learning ? See the educational and technical modalities that integrate/take into consideration heterogeneous publics, diversified needs and specific contexts, etc. 2. Which importance given to the (un)traceable within a sociotechnical perspective? Distance Education poses the sociological problem of what descriptions of others and their understanding processes can be/are based upon? Semiotics and traces can be used but how are they interpreted, etc.? 3. Which are the other didactic modalities and how do distance/online modalities question face-to-face ones? See the challenges, functionings and consequences (in particular in terms of evaluation) of educational practices as studied using qualitative approaches. Keywords : Website : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - higher education - adult educationTopics : - Learning : distance learning - Teaching : didactic - Teaching : assesment / evaluationPartnership with organisations : - Plurilinguismes, représentations, expressions francophones - dynamiques et enjeux de la diversité