Project : Donjons & Radon Name : Description :The project "Dungeons and Radon" aims to develop the players' interest in science through a serious game, and this in order to increase their motivation to study science. The prototype focuses on learning the state changes of water for pupils of 12 years. The serious game is based on a virtual fantasy world in which the player can move freely and must use domain knowledge to pass the tests it faces. Keywords : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - secondary educationFinancing : - Investissement d'avenirTopics : - Learning : game based learningDetails about partnerships :• La société Ad-Invaders • La société Microsoft • Le rectorat de Créteil • Le Groupe Compas de l’institut de l’ENS Partnership with organisations : - AD-INVADERS