Project : Identité numérique et orientation Name : Acronym : Description :The objectives of the INO research are to encourage active guidance of pupils, and to improve their reflexive attitude on digital identity. Guidance is a concern of educational policies. Digital identity refers to representations that an information system gives on a person; this became a crucial question with the advent of Web 2.0 and of social networks. At the secondary level, these issues are addressed through the organisation of activities for constructing competencies of the common core. Teachers are invited to develop a digital portfolio with their students. Keywords : Website : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - secondary educationFinancing : - autreTopics : - Teaching : experimentation and innovationDetails about partnerships :Financement du projet : convention Pairform@nce (DGESCO) Dotation DGESCO : 144 HSE Convention LéA Partnership with organisations : - EducTice-S2HEP