Project : Etude de la mise en oeuvre du C2i2e dans les universités autorisées Name : Acronym : Description :This study investigates the organization of C2i2e, the French information and communication technology (ICT) competency standard for teachers, in authorized universities. Its aim is to provide an overview of the uses of digital technologies that have been developed, of the characteristics of pedagogical devices and practices, and of the difficulties that have been encountered. Keywords : Website : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - higher educationFinancing : - autreTopics : - Teaching : teacher trainingDetails about partnerships :MINES (DGSIP) : financement 12000€ Recherche en collaboration avec l'université de Reims et l’université Joseph Fourier de GrenoblePartnership with organisations : - EducTice-S2HEP