Project : TEC-MEUS – Les TICE et les métiers de l’enseignement supérieur : usages, transformations, émergences Name : Acronym : Description :The project TEC-MEUS (ICT and higher education: from use to changes in the teaching activity) aims to question the links between development of communication and information technologies and teaching activity in French higher education, more specifically seeking to understand what consequences the use of ICT can have on the way in which university teachers design and organize their teaching work and their relationships with students. Through analysis of interviews of university teachers on their practices with ICT, it sets to evidence how ICT are associated with production of teaching work, which conditions are needed for the implementation of ICT-supported practices, which mental representations are implied as well as what roles are assumed. It will in particular seek to specify what is at stake in the forms of teaching activity, in terms of reorganization and transformations of the activity of university teaching. This pluri-disciplinary project is organized around three main dimensions : professional context, teaching actions, human and technical mediation, and brings together researchers of different disciplines (information and communication sciences, psychology, education sciences) from 3 Lorraine laboratories: LISEC (Nancy2), CREM and Etic-2l2p (UPV Metz). The selected methodology is a qualitative approach through semi-directive interviews and questionnaires, supplemented by quantitative datas (statistical of tools’ uses). Datas’ collecting will differentiate two types of uses : institutionally imposed or individually free-willed. The results should yield answers to the following questions : in which aspects do ICT modify both the modes of action and the meanings of teaching situation ? How are the status and role of university teachers affected by these modifications By which processes do these changes take place ? The project is also planned to open to a comparative dimension at international level through the setting of a European research network. Keywords : Website : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - higher educationFinancing : - CNRS - financement régionalTopics : - Learning : uses analysis - Teaching : pedagogy - Technologies and ressources : learning environments - Technologies and ressources : educational resources - Learning : blended learningDetails about partnerships :Autres laboratoires partenaires : - LISEC Lorraine - LISEC Alsace - CIREL-Théodile (Lille 3) - Department of Computer Science (Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norvège)Partnership with organisations : - PIXEL - Publics d’usagers, discours de médiation et dispositifs sociotechniques