Project : FICTUP - Fostering ICT Usages in pedagogical practices Name : Acronym : Description :The FICTUP project (Fostering ICT Usages in pedagogical Practices), funded with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union, aims at: - creating innovative training materials describing concrete pedagogical activities using ICT - experimenting a close tutoring process among expert and novice teachers - providing training institutions with some recommendations based on the experimentations. Keywords : Website : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - primary education - secondary educationFinancing : - autre financement européenTopics : - Learning : supporting and tutoring - Teaching : experimentation and innovation - Teaching : pedagogical scenario - Technologies and ressources : educational resourcesDetails about partnerships :Institutions partenaires : - Institut national polytechnique de Lorraine (France) = coordonnateur du projet - Amitié srl (Italie), - Centre for Networked Learning and Knowledge Building de l’Université d’Helsinki (Finlande), - Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development de Budapest (Hongrie), - Faculté des sciences de l’apprentissage de l’université de Bologne (Italie). Partnership with organisations : - PIXEL - Publics d’usagers, discours de médiation et dispositifs sociotechniques