Project : SUMTEC - Savoirs universitaires, médiatisation technologique et pratiques des acteurs Name : Acronym : Description :SUM-TEC project “Academic knowledge, technological mediatization and academics’ practices” aims to define and analyze conditions and nature of innovation related to technological mediatization of scientific knowledge (such as it is defined at university), during their phases of construction, representation, circulation, acquisition, evaluation, validation and institutionalization. The position of pedagogy and use of ICTs at university is different according to European and international contexts. It underlines the stake of a better understanding of academics’ and students’ practices, and in particular, their relation to knowledge (scientific, professional, technical and relational one) through digital technologies. This project makes the choice to analyse practices of main social actors, for better understanding of existing processes between technical objects and social practices, and to identify the conditions of innovation by the use of ICTs within universities. From this point of view, it develops its analysis according to four interdependent axes: pedagogical, didactic, communicational and organizational ones. This research is based on a methodology in two phases: the first one, by a survey about representations of innovation and knowledge’s mediatization by academics and students, will allow finding criteria to select situations to analyze during the second phase. The second one will observe the innovative practices and the activities they induce. While going in the direction of a culture of action, focusing on social actors and their practices within the university, we make the assumption that the intelligibility of innovation’s forms with digital tools, in particular in the relation to knowledge, will help to improve conditions of learning for students at university. Keywords : Website : Date at the beginning : Date of the end : Person and institution in charge : Teaching level(s) : - higher educationFinancing : - CNRSTopics : - Learning : uses analysis - Learning : blended learning - Teaching : didactic - Teaching : experimentation and innovation - Teaching : pedagogy - Technologies and ressources : educational resources - Technologies and ressources : learning environmentsDetails about partnerships :Laboratoires partenaires : - LISEC Lorraine - LISEC Alsace - CIREL-Théodile (Lille 3) - Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (Norvège) - GIAPEL (Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, Espagne)Partnership with organisations : - PIXEL - Publics d’usagers, discours de médiation et dispositifs sociotechniques