The project of mapping French research in e-education is led by a team which associates members of the MINES (Mission numérique pour l’enseignement supérieur, DGESIP-DGRI-MENESR), the IFE (Institut Français de l’Éducation, École normale supérieure de Lyon) and the ATIEF (Association des Technologies de l’Information pour l’Éducation et la Formation).
The Mines
The MINES is concerned by the use of ICT in teacher’s practices and student’s learning, which are connected to the new ways of living, working and communicating. Its goal is to ensure students’ success, a good transition from school to work and equal opportunities. It encourages the development of uses and infrastructures, pedagogical resources and tutoring activities for all higher education stakeholders.
It is the project main sponsor
The Institute
The Institute, part of the ENS of Lyon, is a national structure of research, training and mediation of knowledge in the field of education and training. On an international level, the Institute is associated with the major research networks such as the UNESCO or the OECD. Through its resources and services, the Institute is a gateway for French and foreign researchers who wish to learn about the French education system. The website is designed and hosted by the IFE.
The aim of the ATIEF is to promote education, research, training, uses and creation of knowledges in the field of ICT for education, in both the academic and industrial world. The association publishes the journal Sticef and produces a lot of resources for the scientific community.