Research team : Equipe T2I du LIUPPA Name : Acronym : Additional address : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Research team manager : Number of members : Description :Team T2I (18 members across the Pau, Bayonne and Mont-de Marsan sites) researches into the field of information processing using space, time and theme dimensions. This information is derived from digitized documents or from a context constituted of interconnected objects (data flow and spatio-temporal information arising from /destined for is the grammatically correct preposition here if it means -where it is going to PDA, sensors, telephones and mobile devices). Our aim is to provide formalisms and methods for extracting and making use of this information, particularly by promoting methods and tools to design, implement and deploy educational applications bearing these spatial, temporal and thematic elements. We focus on Model-Driven engineering techniques to automatically generate the code of these educational applications from the specifications provided by pedagogues. To this end, we design visual instructional design languages fitted to end-users (pedagogues) and we transform models expressed from these languages into code. This leads us to weave different kinds of models (geographical contents, pedagogical aims, interface model, interaction model) into an output executable model that can be exploited for prototyping purposes. Keywords : E-education positioning : AERES : Name of the laboratory : Main publications :T.N. Luong, P. Etcheverry, C. Marquesuzaà, T. Nodenot, A Visual Programming Language for Designing Interactions Embedded in Web-based Geographic Applications, Full paper, 17th ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2012), p. 207-216, Lisbon, Portugal, fév. 2012 J.Lopez, A.Armendariz, M.Latapy, P.Lopistéguy A Genre-Based Perspective for the Development of Communicative Computerized Adaptive Tests Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Vol.11, Issue.1, pp87-101, 2008 T. Nodenot, P.A. Caron, X. Le Pallec, P. Laforcade, Applying Model Driven Engineering Techniques and Tools to the Planets Game Learning Scenario, Journal of Interactive Media in Education, ISSN 1365-893X, 24 pages, décembre 2008 P. Loustau, T. Nodenot, M. Gaio, Spatial decision support in the pedagogical area: Processing travel stories to discover itineraries hidden beneath the surface, p. 359-378, 11th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 5-8th may 2008, Girona (Spain), Springer-Verlag T. Nodenot, P. Laforcade, X. Le Pallec, Visual design of coherent technology enhanced learning systems: a Few Lessons learned from CPM language, Handbook of Visual Languages for Instructional Design (VIDL): Theories and Practices. Chapitre XIII, pp. 254-280, Luca Botturi and Todd Stubbs Editors, Information Science reference, Hershey New York, ISBN: 978-1-59904-729-4, 2007 M.Latapy, P.Lopistéguy, P.Dagorret Splash! : A ludo-educative application based on Genre and Verbal Interactions Concepts 5th IFIP – International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC), Cambridge UK, 2006 Un langage de modélisation pédagogique basé sur UML P. Laforcade, T. Nodenot, C. Sallaberry Revue Sciences et Techniques de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation (STICEF), ISSN : 1764-7223, Numéro spécial : Conceptions et usages des plates-formes de formation, volume 12, p. 89-116, 2005 Marilyne Rosselle, Marie-Noëlle Bessagnet, Thibault Carron Comment intégrer des logiciels issus de la recherche en EIAH ? Numéro spécial : Conceptions et usages des plates-formes de formation, volume 12, p. 89-116, 2005 T. Nodenot, C. Marquesuzaa, P. Laforcade, C. Sallaberry, Model based Engineering of Learning Situations for Adaptive Web Based Educational Systems, pp. 94-103, Full-paper (Alternate Tracks), ACM Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference, New-York (USA), May 17-22, 2004 A UML Profile incorporating separate viewpoints when modeling Co-operative Learning Situations T. Nodenot, P. Laforcade, C. Sallaberry, C. Marquesuzaa IEEE International Conference on Information Technology : Research and Education on IT for enabling the next generation technology development, ISBN 0-7803-7878-4, August 10-13, 2003, Newark (USA) A case for an adult educational technology T. Nodenot 7th IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education, Kluwer Academic Publishers (Springer), pp. 115-124, ISBN 1-4020-7132-9, volume 94, July/August 27-3, 2001, Copenhagen (Denmark) What if the pedagogues specified Educational Software ? T. Nodenot Conference Proceedings WCCE’95 : sixth IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education, Elsevier (North Holland Publications), ISBN 0-412-62670-5, Juillet 1995, Birmingham (UK) URL publication : Scientific field : Affiliation : - Université de PauTeaching level(s) : - all levelsTopics : - Cognitive engineering and modelling : tutoring model - Learning : inquiry learning - Teaching : experimentation and innovation - Teaching : pedagogical scenario - Technologies and ressources : learning environmentsProjet(s) : -Trip'tic : un système d’information pour une communauté de pratiques. -Pyrénées Itinéraires Éducatifs : Une application collaborative au service des classes de découverte -Projet "Frises Pédagogiques Multimédias" -Projet CPM : un profil UML pour la scénarisation pédagogique de situations problèmes coopératives -Redécouvrir et valoriser nos documents patrimoniaux par le biais des TICE -Projet IWAAT : Interfaces Web d’Applications interactives pour Acteurs du Territoire -projet WINDMash