Research team : Education et apprentissages Name : Acronym : Additional address : Address : Postal code : City : Website : Research team manager : Number of members : Description :EDA (Éducation et apprentissages ― EA 4071) is a multidisciplinary laboratory pertaining to Paris Descartes University. Headed by Georges-Louis Baron, it is composed of 21 full-time researchers specialized in education and linguistics and around 40 doctoral students. Researchers are specialized in various disciplinary fields (such as anthropology, cognitive and clinical psychology, didactics, linguistics), between which they keep developing interdisciplinary ties. Research activities are are organized around 3 axes: attitudes towards knowledge and professional practices in education; teaching and learning situations, diversity of learning modalities and contexts. Main research themes concern didactic situations in mathematics, science, technology, French as a foreign language, discourse analysis, clinical studies of the professional knowledge of educators confronting adolescents, educational use of technological instruments, identity issues and everyday learning, learning interactions between adults and children. EDA has a record of competitive projects, funded in particular by the French National Agency for Research, the European Commission and the Agence Française de la Francophonie. Keywords : E-education positioning : Name of the laboratory : URL publication : Scientific field : Affiliation : - Université Paris-VTeaching level(s) : - all levelsTopics : - Teaching : didactic - Teaching : experimentation and innovation - Teaching : pedagogy - Teaching : teacher training - Technologies and ressources : educational resourcesProjet(s) : -Prospective pour la recherche : éducation et apprentissage à l'horizon 2030 -Accompagnement à la Reconversion, à la Transition et à l'Insertion Professionnelle